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Before and After Gallery


Case 1

Patient: 41 year old, breast cancer, height: 5’4”, weight: 178 lbs

Procedure: Underwent bilateral nipple sparing mastectomy with staged expanders, autologous (natural tissue) reconstruction with DIEP flaps, abdominal contouring with fat grafting and liposuction.

Case 2

Patient: 47 year old, breast cancer, height: 5’1”, weight: 150 lbs

Procedure: Underwent bilateral nipple sparing mastectomy with staged expanders, autologous (natural tissue) reconstruction with DIEP flaps, abdominal contouring with fat grafting and liposuction.

Case 3

Patient: 45 year old, breast cancer (right), height: 5’ weight: 155 lbs

Procedure: Underwent bilateral skin sparing mastectomy and immediate one-stage autologous (natural tissue) reconstruction with DIEP flaps

DIEP Flap Case 3.1 Before
Case 4

Patient: 38 year old, genetic susceptibility for breast cancer (BRCA mutation), height: 5’1”, weight: 244 lbs

Procedure: Underwent prophylactic mastectomy with staged expanders, autologous (natural tissue) reconstruction with DIEP flaps, abdominal contouring with fat grafting and liposuction

Case 5

Patient: 60 year old, breast cancer (left), height: 5’9” weight: 160 lbs

Procedure: Underwent left side nipple sparing mastectomy and staged autologous (natural tissue) reconstruction with DIEP flaps, right side matching mastopexy, and nipple reconstruction using autologous skin graft (mole transfer)

Case 6

Patient: 41 year old, genetic susceptibility (BRCA), height: 5’7” weight: 205 lbs

Procedure: Underwent prophylactic mastectomy with nipple sparing mastectomy and immediate autologous reconstruction with DIEP flaps

Case 7

Patient: 51 year old, breast cancer, height: 5’

Procedure: This patient presented to our facility with a previous implant-based reconstruction that was performed by another physician. She had painful capsular contracture. We performed explantation and delayed reconstruction with natural tissue DIEP flaps

Case 8

Patient: 45 year old, breast cancer

Procedure: Underwent nipple sparing mastectomy with two-stage reconstruction with DIEP flaps

DIEP Flap Case 8.1 BeforeDIEP Flap Case 8.2 After
Case 9

Patient: 38 year old, breast cancer

Procedure: Underwent bilateral nipple sparing mastectomy after two-staged reconstruction with expanders, radiation, then autologous (natural tissue) reconstruction with DIEP flaps

DIEP Flap Case 9.1 BeforeDIEP Flap Case 9.2 After
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At Specialized Plastic Surgery, we are passionate about helping our patients achieve their desired outcomes through personalized care and expertise. Whether you are considering breast reconstruction, seeking aesthetic enhancements, or exploring options for body contouring, we are here to guide you every step of the way.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward realizing your goals. Experience the difference at Specialized Plastic Surgery – where your journey to transformation begins.

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